An analysis of the above definitions reveals the following characteristics of leadership:
1. Leadership is a process of influence exercised by the leader on group members. A person is said to have an influence on others when they are willing to carry out his wishes and accept his direction. A successful leader is one who influences the behaviour, attitudes and beliefs of his followers.
2. Leadership is a function of stimulation. It involves motivating people to strive willingly towards organisational goals. A successful leader is able to subordinate the individual interest to the common interest of the group. He creates goal congruency so that people enthusiastically work to attain the goals.
3. Leadership gives a feeling of contributing to common objectives. A successful
leader creates an environment under which every person feels that he is contributing
to the attainment of organisational objectives. He recognises the efforts and activities
of every individual in the organisation.
4. Leadership is related to a particular situation at a given point of time and under a specific set of circumstances. This implies that leadership style will differ from one situation to another.
5. Leadership is a shared experience. A good leader shares ideas, experience and credit with his followers. He lets the subordinates to influence his behaviour so that they are satisfied with the type of leadership provided.
6. Leadership is not headship or bossism. Headship implies exercise of formal
authority and control whereas leadership involves use of persuasion to influence
7. Leadership is an ongoing activity in an organisation.
8. Leadership implies existence of followers. By their willingness to be influenced
by the leader, subordinates formalise the leader's authority and make the leadership
process possible.
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